Map showing admission rates for measles by state, per 1000 per annum of white enlisted men in the United States from April… Image from public domain license Weller's political map of the United States : showing the plurality vote of the presidential election of 1892… Image from public domain licenseMap of the city of New York (ca. 1850) from Library of Congress Geography and Map Division Washington. Original from Library… Image from public domain licenseVirginia Item et Floridae (1606) by Gerardus Mercator and Jocodus Hondius Image from public domain licenseAmerica Sive Novi Orbis Nova Descriptio (1587-1595) by Abraham Ortelius Image from public domain licenseLower Falls, Rochester by Frederic Edwin Church. Original public domain image from Los Angeles County Museum of Art.… Image from public domain licenseA Vanitas Still Life with a Flag, Candlestick, Musical Instruments, Books, Writing Paraphernalia, Globes and Hourglass by… Image from public domain licenseA fanciful map of Texas, depicted on a downtown wall in Pecos, the seat of Reeves County. Original image from Carol M.… licenseBowles's new pocket map of the world: laid down from the latest observations and comprehending the new discoveries to the… Image from public domain licenseNova totius terrarum orbis geographica ac hydrographica tabula (1635–1649) by Jan Aertse van den Ende. Original from The… Image from public domain licenseOrbis terrae compendiosa descriptio : quam ex magna universali Gerardi Mercatoris Domino Richardo Gartho, geographie ac… Image from public domain licenseUp-to-date map of the world war (1942) by Manila Shinbun-sha. Original from The Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library.… Image from public domain licenseNew York City, photographed from two miles up in the air (1922) from The Lionel Pincus and Princess Firyal Map Division.… Image from public domain licenseUSA map sticker, flag illustration on transparent background. Free public domain CC0 image. licenseAmerica with those known parts in that unknowne worlde both people and manner of buildings/discribed and inlarged (ca.… Image from public domain licensePortolan atlas of the Mediterranean Sea, western Europe, and the northwest coast of Africa: World map drawn on an oval… Image from public domain licenseClarke's Relief Globe (1849) etching art by J.M. Attwood. Original public domain image from The Smithsonian Institution.… Image from public domain licenseMercator map of the world (1931), world map by Ernest Dudley Chase. Original public domain image from Digital Commonwealth.… Image from public domain licenseRapid transit map of Manhattan and adjacent districts of New York City (1908) by Rand McNally and Company. Original from… Image from public domain licenseThe Mackenzie River in the Northwest Territories, Canada. Original from NASA. Digitally enhanced by rawpixel. Image from public domain licenseA map of the world on a globular projection : exhibiting particularly the nautical researches of Captain James Cook, F.R.S.… Image from public domain licenseAn icy map of the Colorado River and its tributaries. Original public domain image from Flickr Image from public domain licenseMap sampler. Original public domain image from Smithsonian. Digitally enhanced by rawpixel. Image from public domain licenseThe Earth's Western planisphere (1757), vintage map illustration. Original public domain image from Digital Commonwealth.… Image from public domain licenseA map of the world on a globular projection : exhibiting particularly the nautical researches of Captain James Cook, F.R.S.… Image from public domain licenseA person extending their arm with the map of the world tattooed on it. Original public domain image from Wikimedia Commons Image from public domain licenseRobe (c. 1870) textile in high resolution. Original from the Saint Louis Art Museum. Image from public domain licenseA composite satellite photograph of North America. The observer is centered at (40° N, 95° W), at Moon distance above the… Image from public domain license A portion of John La Tourrette's historic (and giant) 1848 reference map of Louisiana showing land… Image from public domain licenseA general map of America (1746), vintage illustration by Homann Erben (Firm). Original public domain image from Digital… Image from public domain licenseMembers of the Black Land-use Planning Committee Working on the County Map by Marion Post Wolcott Image from public domain licenseOfficers of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Office of Field Operations conduct global observations of air traffic and… Image from public domain licenseOfficers of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Office of Field Operations conduct global observations of air traffic and… Image from public domain licenseMappe Monde ou Carte générale de l'Univers (1782) by Mathieu Albert Lotter. Original from The Beinecke Rare Book &… Image from public domain licenseA mapp of the world (1682) by John Playford. Original From The New York Public Library. Digitally enhanced by rawpixel. Image from public domain licenseWestern Hemisphere, World Atlas by Rand, McNally and Co. (1908) Digitally enhanced from our own original chromolithograph. Image from public domain licenseAmerique du Nord from Atlas Universel by Arthème Fayard, pseudonyme F. de la Brugere (1836-1895), published in 1878, vintage… Image from public domain licenseMap of South America, showing its political divisions; Map showing the proposed Atrato-inter-oceanic canalroutes, for… Image from public domain licenseMap of New York and Vicinity (1869) by Matthew Dripps. Original from Library of Congress. Digitally enhanced by rawpixel. Image from public domain licenseA Map of the World from the best Authorities (1795) from Carey's American Edition of Guthrie's Geography Improved. Original… Image from public domain licenseNova & accuratissima totius terrarum orbis tabula nautica variationum magneticarum index juxta observationes Anno 1700… Image from public domain licenseMap of the New York world's fair and approaches (ca. 1939–1940) from The Lionel Pincus and Princess Firyal Map Division.… Image from public domain licenseThe Great Bartholdi Statue - Liberty Enlightening the World (1885) chromolithograph art. Original public domain image from… Image from public domain licenseA Vanitas Still Life with a Flag, Candlestick, Musical Instruments, Books, Writing Paraphernalia, Globes and Hourglass by… Image from public domain licensePNG 3D USA map flag sticker geography illustration, transparent background. Free public domain CC0 image. licenseFree world map poster hanging on the wall public domain CC0 photo. Image from public domain licenseThe Great Bartholdi Statue – Liberty Enlightening the World published and printed by Currier & Ives Image from public domain license Hammond's comprehensive map of the United States with portions of Canada and Mexico Image from public domain license A view of part of the town of Boston in New-England and Brittish sic ships of war landing their troops! 1768 … Image from public domain licenseUSA map flag clipart, country illustration vector. Free public domain CC0 image. license Map of North America from 20 to 80 degrees north latitude : exhibiting the recent discoveries, geographical and… Image from public domain licenseSmall circular world map (1524) chromolithograph art by Petrus Apianus. Original public domain image from Digital… Image from public domain license Amerique meridionale divisée en ses principales parties ou sont distingués les vns des autres les estats… Image from public domain license A map of the world on a globular projection : exhibiting particularly the nautical researches of Captain James… Image from public domain license The story map of flying : being a chronicle of man's conquest of the air Image from public domain licenseThe U. S. Ship Franklin, with a View of the Bay of New York by Thomas Thompson Image from public domain licenseTerrestrial globe (1522) objecr art by Johann Schöner. Original public domain image from Yale Center for British Art.… Image from public domain license America, siue, India Nova : ad magnae Gerardi Mercatoris aui vniversalis imitationem in compendium redacta … Image from public domain license L'Amerique Meridionale : dressée sur les observations de Mrs. de L'Academie Royale des Sciences & quelques… Image from public domain license Amerique septentrionale divisée en ses principales parties : ou sont distingués les uns des autres les etats… Image from public domain licenseMap of the southeastern part of North America, print in high resolution by Mark Catesby. Original from the Yale Center for… Image from public domain licenseGeological atlas projected to illustrate geographic explorations and surveys west of the 100th meridian of longitude :… Image from public domain licenseVera descriptio expeditionis nauticae Francisci Draci Angli, cognitis aurati [cartographic material] : qui quinq[ue] navibus… Image from public domain license Americae mappa generalis : secundum legitimas projectionis stereographicae regulas relationesque recentissimas… Image from public domain license